The Dandelion Abattoir
Year 2 Building Project, 2020
Not enough is said about our diets when we discuss about climate change and how they contribute to this problem. Even more so, in a self-proclaimed nation of ‘animal lovers’, are we really who we want to believe we are?
The project questions our fundamental way of living and eating with animal husbandry, and how our progressively intensive industrial farming has led to unethical problems, cruelty and unnecessary sacrifice; where a transformation from life to product has taken place.
The narrative takes place in a post-meat-eating world where humans can no longer slaughter animals for the bliss of their taste buds.
In the countryside, thousands of abandoned barns and abattoirs scatter across the fields - psychologically scarred landscapes for the billions of lives that were slaughtered within.
Existing within the corpse of the abandoned abattoir, the Dandelion Abattoir takes advantage of the vast dandelion fields surrounding it to grow its own source, thus creating proteins from the flowers through a complex extraction process. Small blimps carry the proteins to the city, to support this new way of living, while self- sustaining with the abattoir.
As we evaluate humanity and our existing choices, the Dandelion Abattoir serves as a critique and a memorial to our current actions, and whether we should continue down this route.
As humanity remains in a deep slumber, the Dandelion Abattoir will continue to dream to exist in its brave new world...