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This E-Book is a comprehensive guide for aspiring students like you on maximising your success in university preparation, featuring RIBA UK architecture schools such as the Bartlett School of Architecture UCL, University of Cambridge and University of Bath etc. Written by Glory Kuk, a first-class BSc Architecture graduate student of the Bartlett School of Architecture, who started her Youtube Channel on sharing her experiences in Architecture Schools, and helped lots of students along the way, the E-Book contains many tips on different portions of the application process while sharing Glory's personal journey in applying to courses.


The E-Book includes:

  • Selecting & applying to schools
  • UCAS System
  • Personal Statement & Glory's Statement
  • Making a Portfolio & Glory's Portfolio)
  • Drawing Task & Glory's Drawing Tasks
  • Interviews

...And more!

Glory: "This is the book I wish I had when I was applying, so I hope that it will be super helpful for you on your journey too!"

A Guide for Applying to Architecture (UK Edition)

  • 60-page E-Book in PDF format

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